The Dr Libby McIntyre Facial Aesthetics Experience
Positive Pro-ageing specialist
A selection of lip augmentations. Hopefully from this gallery you will appreciate its not just the 25 year olds who consider lip rejuvenation. The artistry and skill involved in restoring older and complex lips is something I have studied and refined.
Anti Wrinkle Treaments
Take a look at what can be achieved with anti wrinkle injections. Results can be maintained with regular session every 12 weeks.
Dermal Filler
I am certainly a Doctor who values discretion over a before and after opportunity. Most clients who have allowed their photos to be used have attended a model day for the specific purpose of demonstrating results and have been offered a discount. You should never feel obliged to have your photos displayed to the public and i will always offer a discount for clients who agree to allow me to showcase my work.